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How to Take Care of Nails to Keep Them Looking Beautiful

Maintains nail strength and moisture

Everyone's nails may be different. Some have strong nails but some are brittle and break easily. Nails will be more brittle if they are often exposed to soap, detergent, or are often in the AC room. To solve this problem, apply moisturizer to your nails to make them stronger.

Cleaning nails

Beautiful nails must be clean. To clean the nails can be done by soaking the nails in warm water mixed with lime juice. Soak your hands or feet for about 15 minutes. Hot water can make the skin around the nail soft so it's easy to clean, especially on the edge of the nail that is often penetrated by dirt.

Cut nails

Don't let your nails be too long. Nails that are too long seem unkempt and untidy. Long nails also make it easier for dirt and germs to enter the body when we eat. However, don't cut your nails too short, which can cause injury.

Choose sharp nail clippers so you don't have to cut them repeatedly. Don't pull your nails if they're not perfectly trimmed. Pulling nails can injure the fingers and injured fingers make it easier for germs to enter them. Let the nail clippers do the work until the nails are completely trimmed.

Don't do hard work with nails

Rubbing hard objects with your nails or opening hard objects with your nails can not only damage the nails but also cause injury to the area around the nails. We recommend that you use other suitable objects when doing these heavy jobs. Washing clothes, washing dishes or wringing out a mop, and too much exposure to hot water may damage your nails from getting soapy in these activities. If possible, wear gloves when doing this activity.

Stop destructive habits

The habit of picking nails with other nails or biting nails is a habit that can damage the appearance of nails. Scraping your nails can cause sores on your fingertips, ruining your appearance. While biting nails can cause stomach pain due to germs in the nails enter the mouth.

Strengthen and beautify nails from within

One easy way to beautify and strengthen nails from the inside is to drink more water. Consumption of water helps keep nails from drying out. Meanwhile, strengthening nails can be done by consuming foods that contain calcium or by drinking milk.

Use nail polish and remover in a balanced way

One way to beautify nails is to use nail dye. This will indeed make the nails look beautiful and attractive. However, using nail polish or nail polish for too long can cause your nails to turn yellow. Likewise, if you use a liquid nail remover or nail polish remover too often, it will remove the original shiny nail color and make the nails dry.

To prevent this, it's best not to use nail polish all the time. Let the nails rest for some time without being stained. When removing nail dye, use a cotton swab that has been moistened with nail polish remover, not by rubbing it on your nails, but simply by rubbing it once or twice. Less scrubbing can prevent a dull discoloration of your nails.