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Benefits of Kiwifruit for Health and Beauty

Boosts the Immune System
Kiwifruit is highly recommended to increase the immune system or body immunity even more so in this pandemic season. The body's protection must be maintained as well as possible. This fruit is the right choice. Besides this fruit is safe for consumption by all ages.

This fruit can be eaten immediately or used as juice. Talk about extract, regular kiwi juice is highly recommended for sick people because it can increase immunity so that it can accelerate the healing process.

Containing quite a lot of vitamin C, the best properties of kiwifruit are antioxidants. Besides, kiwi can also ward off harmful substances that cause disease. So from that, the efficacy of kiwifruit is the right choice for children who are sick.

Heart health
A study in 2011 in the Medical Daily report, proved that there are high blood patients who consume kiwifruit every day. The result is kiwifruit can lower blood pressure. That is because there is a high antioxidant content in kiwifruit.

Kiwifruit can also keep electrolytes in balance by counteracting the effects of sodium. That is caused by kiwis containing high potassium.

There is a study from the Department of Nutrition at the University of Oslo, Norway found that the efficacy of kiwifruit is beneficial for heart health. This fruit is also known as one of the most effective blood thinners naturally. That's why kiwifruit can reduce clot formation, triglyceride formation, and increase circulation.

Respiratory system
Kiwifruit is believed to help treat asthma. Fruit that resembles sawa is considered to nourish the respiratory system. That is due to the high nutrition contained by kiwifruit.

Because vitamin C and antioxidant reserves are quite high, the two ingredients are proven effective for treating asthma or shortness of breath.

A study in 2000 proved that people who consume kiwifruit regularly have a positive impact on lung function. So much is not the benefit of kiwifruit? Research experts have determined this. So there is no doubt.

Healthy Hair
More and more days there are also the latest hairstyles and fashions. Of course, many people are tempted to try. This causes the condition of the hair more damaged. Not only hairstyle and styling tools. Pollution is also one of the reasons that wreak havoc on hair.

These problems can be solved quickly. Kiwifruit is the solution. This can be tried from making a hair mask with kiwi fruit. If you want an instant way, it will be even more comfortable. Moreover, now many hair beauty products use kiwi fruit extract. Already tested the lab so no need to worry and worry.

Antioxidants and vitamin C content are essential in the formation of collagen. So that it functions as a hair loss prevention, the content can also overcome branched hair and dry hair. Not only those two ingredients. Efficacy of kiwifruit also contains vitamin E, which can increase hair growth and prevent hair baldness.

Beautify the skin
Because it is rich in nutrients, naturally kiwifruit also has a significant role for the skin. Kiwi fruit functions to maintain and improve skin health and beauty. This is no doubt because many beauty products use kiwifruit as its main ingredient.

Has benefits for the skin because kiwifruit has antioxidant compounds in vitamins C and E. The content is proven effective for maintaining skin health and beauty. So that the kiwifruit can brighten, moisturize, and tighten the skin to make it look youthful not only in the use of the product. Eating kiwifruit every morning is believed to provide extra benefits from the inside.