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Pregnancy Problems and Solutions

During the pregnancy process, the mother's physical changes will be alarming. Many health problems during pregnancy will arise. What are some issues that occur during pregnancy and how to solve them? Here are five pregnancy problems that are often experienced by pregnant women during pregnancy and their solutions.

Dizziness in Pregnancy

This complaint is an initial complaint and is expected. The influence of hormones during pregnancy is the cause. The hormone progesterone triggers blood vessel walls to widen. This results in a decrease in blood pressure and makes the mother feel dizzy.

The solution to the problem of dizziness in pregnant women is to know the cause first. If due to hormonal, treatment is enough with sleep and avoid stress. Meanwhile, if it is due to anaemia or hypertension, the cause must be addressed first. Meanwhile, if because of blood pressure, reduce activity and save energy. If you can't stand the headache, try taking a safe medication such as paracetamol.

Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting in nearly 50% to 70% of women and sometimes accompanied by aches, sore throats. This is a typical symptom that appears in the first trimester of pregnancy. This complaint is often called Morning Sickness. Morning sickness occurs because the placenta develops and produces the hormone HCG. This hormone causes frequent nausea and vomiting through stimulation of the muscles from the stomach shaft.

The solution to this nausea and vomiting complaint is to provide light snacks such as crackers, rice cakes, or a chocolate bar beside the mother's bed. Eat these foods when you wake up or after nausea goes away. These foods can relieve nausea. Also, multiply foods high in carbohydrates, drink water, consume vitamin B6, stay away from spicy foods and most importantly be positive about pregnancy can reduce nausea.

Urinating during Pregnancy

Pregnant women most often experience complaints of urinating. The presence of a fetus puts pressure on the bladder. Sometimes the cause is the tendency of pregnant women to drink more. As a result, the kidneys also produce more urine. Also, the location of the bladder next to the uterus reduces its capacity. That is why pregnant women urinate frequently.

The solution to this complaint is not to delay urinating. Because if you wait urinating, it will cause a drainage infection.

Cramps and Pain in the Feet

Towards the end of the pregnancy, the hands and feet often experience stiffness. This part of the body will swell slightly due to retaining fluid. This symptom is felt when you wake up in the morning and begin to get better during the day.

The solution to this complaint is to relax the entire body, especially the cramped body parts. By moving the hands and massaging the stiff legs can help relieve stiffness. So that cramps are not too annoying, overcome by consuming lots of calcium, drinking lots of water, doing light exercise and getting enough rest.

Aches during Pregnancy

The cause of aches can be due to a pregnant woman lack of calcium or muscle tension. During pregnancy, the mother carries excess weight, so that the muscles of the body also relax so that it is easy to feel tired. Other causes, namely pregnant women, do not move much and exercise.

The solution to the problem of aches is always to take time to exercise or at least do light activities. Pregnant women are required to consume milk and foods rich in calcium.