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7 Secrets of Youthful Japanese

The following tips for staying young discuss Japan as one of the countries with the highest life expectancy. Japanese people usually have a long life and look young. Seeing this phenomenon is certainly not just a coincidence. There must be a secret they use to live a long life.

Having a long life, of course, is inseparable from the name of being youthful. Japanese people always look young even though they are getting older. Indeed, aging can't be denied. But we can also slow down the process. And here are some of the secrets of youthfulness that Japanese people have. It may be useful.

1. Consuming quality and healthy food

Japanese young people are accustomed to consuming natural and highly nutritious ingredients in their daily diet. Fish, seaweed, vegetables, soybeans, rice, fruit, and green tea, high in nutrients and antioxidants, are the most often used in Japanese cuisine. Apart from preventing cancer, the antioxidants in these ingredients are also useful for maintaining the youthfulness of cells.

2. Choose food ingredients that are fresh and in season

One of the keys to authentic Japanese delicacy is that its components are always new and the best. Fish, fruit, and vegetables harvested in season are of the highest quality. Taste and nutrition are better when compared to fish and vegetables harvested out of season. Usually, Japanese people consume food ingredients like this raw in the form of sushi or salads.

3. Consuming slow food

Japanese young people are used to eating food that they cook themselves. One commonly found menu at the dinner table for Japanese families is rice, grilled fish, boiled vegetables, miso soup, and green tea. Everything is made in one process and served immediately after cooking. As is well known, food that goes through a one-time cooking process like this is much healthier than food that is

experiencing the processing process many times like fast food.

4. Prioritizing breakfast

In Japanese culture, morning is the most important meal of the day. Japanese people always try to have breakfast before doing their daily activities. Their breakfast menu is varied and healthy. It usually consists of a small portion of rice, miso soup with tofu and broth, dried seaweed, omelet, or fish: a simple menu but sufficient nutrition to meet the body's nutritional needs until lunchtime.

5. Eat enough proportion

Japanese people are accustomed to eating a variety of dishes with portions that are not excessive. Food in Japan is always served on a small plate or bowl. Since childhood, people have been taught not to fill their containers full and still eat slowly so that their food is digested properly and the nutrients are completely absorbed in the body.

6. Exercise regularly

Japanese citizens are diligent in physical activity. They routinely do light exercise so that the body is always in shape. They prefer cycling or walking rather than taking public transportation. Besides that, they have a habit of still walking fast. This is related to the prevailing assumption that people who stroll or do not like to do physical activity are lazy.

7. Loves to massage the face every night

Facial massage is a skincare ritual for Japanese and Chinese people. The activity of massaging every night after cleansing the beginning is part of an ancestral tradition that can improve blood circulation so that the face looks fresher and skin care products readily absorb into facial skin. The correct massage area is between the eyebrows, smile line, and beside the outer eyes.

You can do this method at home; if you regularly follow the procedures above, you can quickly feel the results. Good luck.

Those are some Japanese habits that keep them looking young. Staying young is not difficult and does not cost a fortune. Just do a few healthy living tips. Hopefully, this is useful for you!