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Skin Care with Milk

Milk drink is good for health and beauty. The content of lactic acid can rejuvenate the skin. Various nutrients in milk are also very helpful in the process of exfoliating dead skin cells.

A milk bath is a beautiful ritual that we often hear. This tradition was adopted from the legendary Egyptian pharaoh, Cleopatra. Who doesn't know the secret of the beauty of the Egyptian queen at that time? Cleopatra was famous for taking care of her beautiful skin with milk. At that time he soaked in water mixed with camel's milk, this is so that his skin becomes bright and soft.

So friends, do you want to take a milk bath like Cleopatra? It's very easy. Just prepare a bowl of milk, then put it in a tub filled with lukewarm water (warm, not too hot, and not too cold). Then add a little salt which is useful to make the skin of the body become more relaxed. Soak for fifteen minutes while gently rubbing the milk foam into the body of relatives in a circular motion. Rinse off the milk residue with water and feel the skin of the kins being moisturized and firmer.

If there is no container or time to soak, relatives can spread milk on your body. Allow to dry, then rinse with plain water. Although the results are not as good as bathing, if relatives do it regularly then your skin can also look brighter and softer.

In addition to being used for bathing, milk can also be used for applying scrubs, masks, pore reducers, and wound medicine. Come on, let's see how to make it.

Scrub: Boil liter of water, then put 4 glasses of whole milk without fat into it. Add a little salt. Wait up to 20 minutes. At the top of the cooking water, there will be a thick layer that floats, now this layer will be used to scrub the body. There are other ways too. Make a scrub from a mixture of water, orange, or lemon juice with two tablespoons of powdered milk into it.

Milk mask: Pour two teaspoons (tsp) of powdered milk into a bowl. Then add 2 tsp of vitamin E, tsp of honey, and tsp of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients until homogeneous (even). Rub it into the face of relatives and leave it for up to 15 minutes. when finished wash with warm water until clean.

Pore ​​Reduction: Wash enough sour milk on the neck and face. Then wait for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Wound Medicine: Wash sour milk or sweetened milk (cream or butter) on exposed or irritated skin. And let it dry.

Well, that's relatives, milk is not only for drinking but for external care. So complete with external and internal body care with milk. Even though your skin is not white, keeping your skin bright and not dull is good for the health of your relatives. Beauty doesn't need to be white, but enough to keep your skin from being dull. Do it regularly, so that the results achieved can be maximized. Good luck mate.