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14 Pregnancy Disorder

Pregnancy Disorder

Pregnancy disorders can occur at any time. It could be at the time of early pregnancy, or when the pregnancy begins to age, as well as at the time of delivery. Each period in pregnancy has its own types of disorders.

Types of pregnancy disorders vary, from mild to severe. All types of pregnancy disorders can be overcome. Some of them are actually preventable. Preventive measures can be taken during routine pregnancy check-ups. At least, there are 14 types of pregnancy disorders that may arise and need to be wary of. Anything?

1. Vomiting

It is normal for nausea and vomiting to occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, if the vomiting occurs excessively up to 7 times a day, the mother's condition becomes weak, has no appetite, loses weight, and has heartburn. This situation cannot be allowed to exist. Ask your midwife or doctor for help. It is possible that the pregnant woman is suffering from a serious illness and requires hospital treatment. Lack of food and fluids needs to be corrected by giving intravenous fluids. If it is not corrected, it will have a bad effect on the child in the womb and on the mother herself.

2. Pregnancy is past 5 months, I don't feel any fetal movement

If this is true, the child may have died in the womb. Doctors and midwives need to immediately confirm this. If the examination does not hear the sound of the child's heart anymore, it means that the child is dead. Dead babies in the womb must be removed immediately. If not removed, it can disturb the mother. A dead baby in the womb will eventually dry up, and the mother's stomach will shrink. Mothers should suspect that the baby is dead in the womb if the stomach is getting smaller by the day.

3. Excessive weight gain

Beware if pregnant women gain weight of more than 1 kg in a week, sometimes accompanied by swollen legs and ankles, high blood pressure, cloudy urine, headaches, and dizzy vision. The possibility is a symptom and sign of pre-eclampsia, which if left unchecked will enter into eclampsia, a disease that threatens the lives of both mother and child if not treated immediately.

4. Kidney disorders

Pregnant women can also suffer from kidney problems. Frequent fevers, cloudy urine, blood pressure may be elevated, often nausea (again), or until vomiting, headache, and possible discomfort in the waist. Kidney disorders in pregnant women need to be treated immediately. May need hospital treatment.

5. Frequent palpitations, shortness of breath, and fatigue

Beware if the complaint persists, and is getting worse day by day. If previously the complaint only appeared when doing physical activity, but now you don't do physical activity, you have pounding and shortness of breath, it is possible that there is a heart disorder in pregnancy (vitium cordis). Mothers with this condition require special care in the hospital and special assistance during childbirth.

6. Anemia

If your face is pale, your eyes are red and your palms are pale, you are tired, weak, and lethargic, it is possible that the pregnant woman is suffering from anemia. Red blood cells lack the element hemoglobin. In pregnant women, anemia is often caused by iron deficiency. Severe anemia can interfere with the heart as well. Complaints of frequent palpitations in anemic patients maybe because they have reached the stage of burdening the heart.

Iron deficiency anemia is easily treated with additional iron pills (sulfas ferosus), or other iron-boosting tablets. Anemia in pregnancy has a negative effect on pregnancy, as well as adverse effects on the fetus. Fetal acid supply is less than normal. Placental disorders and postpartum hemorrhage are common in anemic pregnant women.

7. Thyroid disorders

If the eyelids are puffy, but not painful, the fingers are shaking, often feel palpitated even though they haven't finished doing physical activity, the body feels hotter (hot) than usual, and sweats a lot, this may be a symptom of excessive activity of the thyroid glands in the neck. hyperthyroid).

The thyroid gland does not have to swell as in endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency, but the goiter function is excessive, causing complaints and symptoms as above. In order not to interfere with pregnancy, as well as the fetus is conceived, thyroid disorders also need to be addressed.

8. Diabetes

Pregnant women are suspected of having diabetes if they are obese, come from a family with a history of diabetes, complain that they are constantly thirsty, urinate a lot, and feel hungry all the time. Pregnant women with diabetes will give birth to children who are larger than normal. How can the diabetes of pregnant women be controlled so as not to adversely affect the child they are carrying. Special help needs to be given to babies born to mothers with diabetes.

9. Pregnant women with infection

Pregnant women with high fever and lasting more than 3 days should be considered the possibility of infection. Whatever the cause of the infection, it is not healthy for the unborn baby. The doctor needs to check if the infection is having a bad effect on the child.

10. Convulsions

Pregnant women with convulsions should not be taken lightly. Seizures themselves can be caused by infection of the lining of the brain (meningitis), or in the brain itself (encephalitis). However, it is most often caused by eclampsia as discussed above. Do not delay going to the doctor, because every seizure should be considered a serious condition.

11. Bleeding and mucus from the uterine canal

Bleeding from the uterine cavity at a gestation period of fewer than 28 weeks or 7 months, a miscarriage is possible. The threat of early miscarriage can be dammed with special care so that the fetus survives to term. However, it will fail to maintain the pregnancy if the bleeding is already profuse and excessive.

Bleeding in an older pregnancy, there may be a problem with the water. Bleeding can be accompanied by heartburn pain wrapped around the lower abdomen, or not. Painful bleeding accompanied by mucus discharge, especially if it comes out of the amniotic fluid (similar to urine), is classified as a pregnancy emergency. The mother must be rushed to the hospital immediately, preventing how much is possible within 24 hours of pregnancy can still be maintained.

12. Disrupted pregnancy

If the pregnancy is young (6-10 weeks) or less than two and a half months bleeding from the uterine canal, accompanied by pain, heartburn wrapped around the lower abdomen, in addition to the possibility of miscarriage, can also be caused by an interrupted pregnancy (CET or Interrupted Ectopic Pregnancy).

Normally, pregnancy grows in the uterine cavity. However, this is not the case with pregnancies that are strayed to other growing places. A pregnancy outside the uterus is called an ectopic pregnancy, which can occur in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or anywhere outside the uterus. Pregnancy outside the womb can survive until pregnancy is full-term, but more often experience disturbances. If the stray pregnancy is interrupted, the child is forced to be expelled even though it is not yet full term.

13. Bleeding after 28 weeks of pregnancy

If bleeding after 28 weeks or 7 months of pregnancy, there may be a problem with the placenta. If it is not the detachment of the placenta from its attachment to the uterine wall (solutio placentae), another possibility is to peel off some of the edges of the placenta from the uterine wall because the location of the attachment is around the cervix (placentae praevia). Both are classified as emergencies that require immediate hospital assistance.

14. Out of amniotic fluid

The membranes or wrapping of the baby in the womb should not break before the time of delivery. If it breaks, it means that the amniotic fluid will spill out of the uterine canal, and the child that should be protected is sterile in it and is in danger of being contaminated by germs from the outside world. This condition is called premature rupture of the membranes, which is a discharge that resembles urine but does not smell like urine, before feeling heartburn, an early sign of labor.

Sometimes, the amniotic fluid is no longer clear, but already greenish, a sign that it has been infected with germs from outside. Infection of the amniotic fluid threatens the fetus that is encased in it. This is also an emergency. The fetus needs to be saved so as not to suffer from infection in the mother's womb.